Decon Team provides Technician and Operations level training for emergency response personnel and for remediation workers who may be assigned to carry out hazmat decontamination in the field.
Topics covered include:
Topics covered include:
- How to select and set up the decontamination area
- Duties of the Decon Unit Leader
- Illustrates the most current decontamination methods
- How to select a compatible method for the particular situation
- Factors that contribute to the severity of contamination
- Steps to take to minimize exposure
- How to detect contamination
- The importance of pre-planning in order to determine materials and equipment needs
- The basic stations of the decontamination process are explained
- Preventing secondary contamination
- Controlling runoff and contaminated waste resulting from decon activities
- Checking the effectiveness of decon operations.
For international orders, please call 713-621-1100.