Crude Oil Spill Response Package


Multiple incidents of explosive accidents have prompted the U.S. Department of Transportation to issue a safety alert warning the public, emergency responders and shippers about the potential high volatility of the crude oil coming from the Bakken oil shale patch in Montana and North Dakota. According to the agency, the crude, which is shipped by rail across the U.S. and Canada, could be more flammable than traditional crude oil.


Industry experts say the dangers of crude have long been under-appreciated and need to be communicated to the hundreds of counties and cities that have seen a surge in crude oil trains in their communities.


Crude Oil Spill Response Package provides comprehensive training for emergency personnel to effectively respond to these dangerous incidents.


Initial Response teaches about the hazards of an oil spill response and the safety factors involved. Topics covered include:
  • How spills commonly occur
  • Factors to consider during the response
  • Different types of oils, including gasoline, jet fuel, naphtha, diesel fuels, asphalt, and crude oil
  • Hazards associated with oil during the different phases of the spill, including fire risk, toxicity, mechanical dangers and environmental threats
  • Agencies to be notified of a spill
  • Factors that affect spill behavior
  • Site control
  • Responder safety 
  • Incident management

Benzene, Toluene & Xylene teaches safe practices to avoid exposure to dangerous ingredients of crude oil. Topics covered include:

  • Short-term and long-term health hazards of benzene
  • Monitoring for toxic atmospheres
  • Ventilation
  • Symptoms of exposure
  • Environmental concerns during a leak or spill
  • Safe response procedures
  • Controlling vapors and sources of ignition
  • Fighting fires

Hydrogen Sulfide teaches workers and responders how to protect themselves against the hazards of this toxic gas. Topics covered include:

  • Hazard properties of hydrogen sulfide found in higher concentrations in Baaken crude
  • Recommended protective clothing
  • Symptoms of exposure
  • Offensive versus defensive strategies in fire situations
  • Monitoring equipment and methods
  • Ventilation operations

Also includes Instructor's -ROM with PowerPoint and other resources to help structure a training seminar.


Foam teaches emergency responders what they need to know to select, prepare, generate and apply foam to Class B fires or hazardous materials spill. Topics covered include:

  • The special properties and drawbacks of each which will make them appropriate or inappropriate for particular situations
  • Emphasizes the value of pre-incident planning, and tells how to analyze a site to determine what type and quantity of foam concentrates to keep available
  • How to prepare foam, including proportioning to achieve the right mix of water and concentrate
  • NFPA foam application specifications
  • Safety equipment, including skin & eye protection
  • Rules of compatibility
  • Protecting exposures
  • Protecting the integrity of the foam blanket
  • Eliminating the source of the leak
  • Up-to-date portrayal of equipment used in foam preparation & delivery

For international orders, please call 713-621-1100.