This three-part training video series provides a comprehensive examination of response issues in a confined space emergency. Addresses the requirements of OSHA's Permit-Required Confined Space Standard (29 CFR 1910.146), NFPA 1006, Standard for Rescue Technician Professional Qualifications, and NFPA 1670, Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Rescue Incidents. The package includes three s plus a Leader's Guide. The modules include:
Understanding Confined Spaces:
Understanding Confined Spaces:
- This training video defines a confined space and tells where they are likely to be found
- Discusses the hazards associated with a confined space, including flammable and explosive atmospheres, oxygen deficient and oxygen-enriched atmospheres, toxic atmospheres and physical hazards
- Explains the difference between non-permit and permit spaces
- Lists the elements of a confined space permit
- Developing an entry plan
- Responsibilities of the entry supervisor, the entrant, and the attendant
- Blinding and blanking; lockout/tagout;
- Atmospheric testing and ventilation
- Run time: 26 minutes
- Teaches the first responder, who typically is not trained or equipped to enter a confined space for rescue, how to deal with a confined space accident in a safe and effective manner
- Communicating with the entrant
- Calling for help
- Potential hazards inside and outside of the confined space area
- Establishing a command post
- Ventilation
- Size-up issues
- Explosion proof and intrinsically safe equipment
- Methods of victim retrieval without entering the space
- The dangers of an unprepared rescue
- Run time: 18 minutes
- This training video is designed for personnel at the Technician Level who may be required to enter a confined space for rescue purposes.
- Covers both workplace and community incidents
- Examines pecialized equipment needed for a rescue team, including air monitoring instruments, protective clothing, specialized lighting, and retrieval systems
- Size-up issues
- Risk evaluation
- Entry procedures
- Rescue techniques
- Command and control activities
- Run time: 19 minutes
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